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Healthy Food Swaps

Who doesn't Love a Make-Over? A few Food Swap Tips to help you give your recipes a healthy make-over!

🍞Obviously baking is a pretty exact science so proper substitutions must be made for the right rise, binding and consistency, so are a teensy bit more complicated, but certainly possible... however, with most other recipes there are lots of simple swaps you can make to achieve a healthier option!

✂️Another thing to keep in mind when cooking, many recipes tend to list superfluous items or excess quantities for what you actually need to achieve a great result! 🥚 Examples are crab cakes and meat loaf! While almost every single recipe for both of those lists breadcrumbs as a necessary ingredient, I add an additional egg as the binder and leave the bread crumbs out all together! 🧀Other recipes will include butter and oil, when you only need 1 fat in the recipe! Choose the healthier option and add more later if necessary!

✂️Cut back on some of the high calorie items in the recipe in exchange for more protein or veggies! High carb or high fat items like rice/pasta or heavy cream/butter add up fast! Cut the serving in half in exchange for a veggie or more herbs and see how that goes!

❗️Salt exists in many things and is essential in your diet, but too much can be a bad thing! I try not to add salt to my meal until it's served! I find that I don't usually need it! Fresh flavorful food + some nice herbs are tasty without adding much salt! Choose Sea Salt or Pink Salt! 🥗Salad Dressing are packed with sodium, excess ingredients and many times bad fats, so try making your own with good oils, raw vinegar, herbs, lemon juice, mustard or honey! (I will share a couple)

👩🏻‍🌾Once you are used to healthier options you will probably find that those overindulgent recipes become way too rich, greasy or salty for your tastes anyway!

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